Millennials at the sunset

Millennials and their quest for happiness

Thirty full years. That’s how long I have been honoring the Earth with my presence. This is the time when your grandma asks you at a family reunion when she will FINALLY meet her grandchildren or when your mum secretly wonders where she made a mistake in your upbringing seeing you do not have a serious relationship (explaining that it takes you enough effort to take care of yourself and your one plant seems like a really lousy excuse considering her at your age “already had two beautiful schoolchildren”).

Sunset Sunshine Coast
Sunset at Sunshine Coast

30. Years. No doubt it has been (and still is) one hell of a ride. And by looks of it, this blog could as well be called “What exactly are millennials searching for in life?”. Everyone is unique, nevertheless, there is something connecting us – all of us (or most of us anyway) simply want to be happy. But what does it mean? To be truly happy? I guess for someone it can mean to be healthy, to find a soulmate, or to make a lot of money. But most of the time when we get those things, we might still have a feeling that is not enough. There is still something “else” we need or want. Does the “hunt for happiness” ever end?

I will take you on a journey of my personal growth through (and not only) broken hearts, broken lung (yes, that actually happened), countless travel and living abroad experiences and encounters that helped me broaden my horizons and made me a person I am today. No one’s life is ordinary. We are all living an ordinary fantastic life.

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